Weaving for Beginners by Video at anytime
This course has been designed, by Margaret Jones, for the novice weaver, so no previous experience is assumed. Tuition takes place via a series of videos that are accessible indefinitely once paid for. The course comprises 7 separate videos in total running to more than 3 hours of tuition and further written course notes are also provided to be read alongside the videos, as updates and additions to the video instructions. The notes also contain resources for finding more information about tapestry weaving.
During the course students will be shown how to warp-up a frame, tie the appropriate knots, create basic shapes with coloured wools, utilise several techniques, finish a tapestry and cut it off the frame.
By the end of the course you will be able to complete a simple sample demonstrating some of the most common techniques available as a good grounding for futher self learning.
After payment students will receive an email containing a link to the videos and a pdf of the course notes.
The videos will be available for at least 2 years and can be viewed, stopped and started as many times as needed.
Margaret, is also available to give further help by email to students during the course and after it has been completed.
About the Tutor:
Born in 1960, Margaret came to Tapestry Weaving late in her career when, in 2012 she started three years full time study to hone her Fine Art, creative and craft skills, finishing with an MFA in Tapestry Weaving in 2015. She received many accolades for her work, including the following:
2016 - Winner - Cordis Showcase Prize
2019 - Winner - People's Prize - Heallreaf 3
2019 - Awarded - Griffin Prize - American Tapestry Alliance
2021 - Awarded - Fellowship of the Society of Designer Craftsmen (SDC)
2021 - Winner - Gane Trust Award
2022 - Shortlisted - Heallreaf Prize
2022 – Shortlisted – QEST Award for Excellence
Margaret does not regret leaving it so late in her life to pursue this obsessive craft as this brings to her work a maturity and perspective and would not have been present when younger. Margaret teaches workshops regularly at various venues across the UK and is a studio weaver in the professional tapestry studio at West Dean.
Every two years Margaret organises and curates 'Heallreaf', an international tapestry exhibition. This an attempt to expand the field of tapestry weaving beyond the view of 'woolly painting', returning it to the area of Fine Art whilst retaining the requirement for a high level of technical skill.

Book now
Price: £200.00